I know it’s been a while and I have been working on things but I just get so deep into the weeds of creating that I forget to update my site. I’m good at creating but lousy at promoting myself. I’ve been in the process of editing some old musical compositions and hope to start a regular project of posting these scores along with music on YouTube. My first in this newly revived series, that already contains the piano pieces “The Creepy Piano” and “Hop-Scotch,” is “Orgelwind (a short prelude and fugue) for Organ that I originally wrote over 20 years ago. Please enjoy the piece and let me know what you think by leaving me a comment or like here or on YouTube.
I’ve finished a few other works of music that I’ll be adding to my list of pieces soon and I’ve also released a book of piano pieces that I will start to advertise for soon. As for my artistic endeavors, I’ve completed a few new paintings and have done a lot of design commissions recently that I’ll probably share soon as well. In the meantime, enjoy this image of Bat-Hog I drew in 1989 (30 years ago) after the Burton BATMAN film came out, which I just found while digging through some stuff at my old house…

I will try to make these updates a little more regular but please bear with me.